Friday, September 26, 2008

That's How I Like My Savior

Christian Bale has been acting since he was a kid. He was in Newsies. He's got a lot of roles under his belt. But one I didn't know was Jesus.

I saw the commercial for Mary, Mother of Jesus and had a double take. "Is that Batman?"

I never realized how much Christian Bale actually does look like those old paintings of Jesus, the kind my grandparents had in their house. So while I initially thought this was a weird casting choice, now I get it. Plus, I think Christian Bale as Lord would convert a lot of people. ("My savior is BATMAN. Yeah!")


Morgan said...

I'm gonna have a problem resolving this with his role in American Psycho.

Catherine said...

Haha, I was thinking that exact same thing, Morgan! From sick, lunatic killer to JESUS?? Ack, too much!