Thursday, March 19, 2009

Put on Your Red

It's Saint Joseph's Day!

While not as well-known as Saint Patrick's Day, Saint Joseph's Day is just as kick-ass. Basically it's the Italian version. So put on a red shirt, call you girl friends "Bella," eat some pasta and drink some wine. Because you know that one holiday a week isn't enough.


Neezie said...

HOW COULD YOU LEAVE OUT ZEPPOLE!?!? I'm SO disappointed...

Catherine said...

Dang it, I totally meant to wear red today, but forgot! I may be a lot Irish and none Italian, but I actually think St. Joseph is cooler than St. Patrick. I mean, he was Jesus' dad(ish) for crying out loud! Lots of people could drive snakes (or Druids, as the case may be) out of Ireland, but few people are cool enough to raise Jesus. Go St. Joe!