Sunday, October 26, 2008

Flashback to Last Week, When We Were Nerds

There are certain things I like:

  1. YA lit.
  2. Funny songs
  3. Being nerdy
  4. Argyle
What event could possibly combine all of these things? The Great Nerdfighter Tour 2008, that's what. A good friend and I went to the Boston leg of the tour and had an awesome time.

"Wait, what?" you're saying. "Nerd what? Was this a concert? A reading?"

A little bit of everything, actually. In 2007, YA author John Green and his brother Hank gave themselves a challenge: They would only communicate via the spoken word--ie, no emails, no texts, etc. One of their major methods of communication was video blogging. Every weekday, they would take turns sending each other four minute-or-so updates with their thoughts about the world, books, politics, yetis, business cards, and more. But then they started getting viewers. Then Hank wrote "Accio Deathly Hallows" and they got a lot more viewers. Who were these viewers--nerdfighters. Basically, if you were friends with me in high school (or would have been friends with me) you're a nerdfighter.

Even though this was only supposed to be for a year, they've extended their project because of so many viewers and so much nerd love. Although they don't hold themselves to such stringent guidelines, they do update regularly, and also encourage other people to post their own videos/pictures/discussions.

My friend and I discovered we both had an affection for the Green brothers and their social experiment. So we packed up and headed to Cambridge, and were thoroughly entertained by John, Hank, Julia Nunes, and others.

So basically, I got to meet three members of my secret family last week. So excited!

Hank Green sang "Helena Montana."

And then Julia Nunes sang several songs, one of which was "Bye Bye Bye." Guess who's better than Justin Timberlake? My imaginary sister!

Please excuse the bad videography; I was excited and didn't always hold the camera straight. Overall, it was such a fun event, and the Green brothers seem really genuine and totally blown away by their success. And Julia Nunes was even better in person than she is on Youtube. She's going to have major success of her own.


The Dalai Lama's Nails said...

It was amazing. I can vouch. I was there.

yeahhhh nerdfighters!