Friday, October 24, 2008

Them's Fightin' Words!

Professor Stephen Brown of Ulster University did a study on how readers approach Harry Potter. Useless, but it sounds like he's at least interested in good stuff. Right? He broke readers down into four categories based on--guess what?--the four houses of Hogwarts.

"His research found 'Hufflepuff' readers take the tales at a slow, steady and systematic pace and enjoy re-reading the books over and over.

'Gryffindor' readers are eager and energetic and will devour the latest Potter book in one sitting, but quickly move on to new things.

'Ravenclaws' are subversive and take the stories with a pinch of salt, while 'Slytherin' readers are not fussed about the books." do these relate to the actual descriptions of houses in Harry Potter? Gryffindors aren't ADD. And Ravenclaws aren't paranoid. So my guess is that he thought this was a "clever" way of breaking up groups, but it shows he doesn't actually know anything about the thing he's studying. Whatever.

But then he goes on to say this:

He doubted JK Rowling's books had the staying power of an author like Roald Dahl, and predicted: "It could come back into fashion but I think it could be like many fads and just fade away and people will look back and say 'Why did we ever read this stuff?'"

Stuff? Stuff? STUFF? Even though the series is over, I'm still very attached to the books and love to return to them. Only yesterday I thought, "Gosh, it's so gray and fall-y out, I'd love to be curled up in bed with the Harry Potter series." And I know there are plenty of fans out there just like me. The books aren't about tension or drama. This isn't frickin' Twilight. Like Dahl, Rowling has created wonderful characters and full worlds for them. And even more than Dahl, I'd say Rowling introduces serious issues: loved ones die, not everyone is plain good or bad, and the world is tough but ultimately worth saving. Maybe it won't be The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, but I don't think Harry Potter is a fad. I will never look back and say, "Why did I read this stuff."

You're on my list, Brown. Watch your step.


Morgan said...

Some people just love to be haters. Don't let him get to you, annie! We'll get him.