Friday, October 10, 2008

We're screwed

For someone who neither works in finance nor plans to retire anytime soon, I've been paying pretty close attention to the tanking stock market these past couple weeks. I checked my investments, and yeah, they've lost a lot of value recently, but to me it's all just numbers on paper for the foreseeable future.

Still, the brief 900 point drop the dow suffered this morning really hit me. Things suck. Ladyfaces may not be a financially focused blog, but ladies like money just like anyone else, and ladies care about the state of the world, so I thought I should blog about it.

I decided to bounce around the internet looking for a picture to help give context to this whole mess. I google image searched the word "economy." Nothing more, nothing less. Not "economy sucks" or "bear market" or anything. Just economy.

This is what comes up first.

I think that says it all, folks. Happy Recession.


kgwhit said...

So let me get this straight. W said we need to give Paulsen $700 billion to spread around on wall street to keep everything afloat. So a week ago he gets the money and the market has dropped nearly 20% since then.

All I can say is you are doing a heck of a job Paulie.