Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hot Tranny Mess

By this point, everyone knows big personalities stick around a little longer on reality shows. Project Runway, the gold standard of reality television, isn't much different. So now that we're solidly into Season 5, who's your favorite/least favorite designer crazyface?

Some standouts...

Suede: Named after a fabric; talks about himself in the third person; uses "wackadoodle." Kind of has evil eyes.

Blayne: Tanorexic; wants to be the new Christian?; everything is "-licious." (Didn't that ending go out in 2001? It's a 90's reivival, babe, get it right.)

Kenley: Retro-girl; a little cocky; major giggler. (Tickle-me-Kenley.)

Stella: Biker chick; a little older than several contestants; wants to leather and stud the world!

Is anyone a Santino? Is there a Daniel V just waiting to pop? (Leanne!) Discuss your favorites and hatiests in the comments.

(Who's your favorite, Tim?)