Like any mid-20's early adoprt of facebook with a pressing desire to create a sense of nostalgia in my otherwise meaningless existence, I pine for the early days of facebook. What do I miss most about early facebook? Fake profiles. Before they got axed for being "unrepresentative" or "inhuman" or "dead" I was friends with the likes of Tina Fey, Thomas Jefferson, and even Feisty, my cat, who had collected a couple dozen friends and was tagged in about as many pictures before her untimely virtual demise. But facebook has grown into one of the more restrictive social communication sites, and recently folks are finding out that you can have your facebook account suspended just for using facebook too much. I hate spam as much as the next kid, but in my opinion it's up to individuals to de-friend those who are bugging them, not for facebook to fix.
But if you don't like the lameness of facebook overlords, you can run to the more open communities like twitter, where FakeSarahPalin is living well.
FakeSarahPalin is quickly becoming my favorite not real person of the week. She updates on a very regular basis, giving you the behind the scenes look at what's going on in the head of everyone's new moose hunting veep candidate.
Highlights from the past 24 hours...
- Scolding of children
- References to everyone's favorite drinking game
- Untruthiness
- Corrections
She even managed to update DURING her speech, at a lightning face rate. Now that's a superstar. I can hardly wait to hear what she tweets about during McCain's speech.

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