Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just Call Me Mom

I'm not the only one who imagines their fictionalized family.

Except, you know, here Allison Morris is talking about being a part of a fictional family of literary characters...not a fictional family of real people:

Poor, poor you! You're a literary orphan with no parents to call your own. What fictional family would you like to have adopt you?

Lots of good choices, with the Weasleys and Austins and Marches and Penderwicks. While I certainly love the Weasleys, I might have to choose the Finches. I might have to live in a racist small town, but Atticus Finch is the best dad ever, Jem is the best older brother, and Scout is smart and sassy enough to make growing up fun. Plus Boo Radley is down the street.

So does this mean Harper Lee should be in my imagined family of real people?

Who's in your literary family?