I don't want Sarah Palin to be my president. But I also think it's pretty jackass-y for people to hang a mannequin of her by a noose.It's supposed to be a kind of "Halloween decoration." Super funny. Super clever. I don't care what views you have or what candidate you support. Behavior like that is out of line. It creates an environment of violence and fear, and is a subtle threat to vote a certain way. Democracy is about voting for whoever the hell you want to vote for. This isn't Stalinist Russia, guys.
I'm all for freedom of speech and artistic expression, but there's nothing original or artistic about this display. Nice try, jerk.
Vote for Obama. Vote for McCain. Close your eyes and pick one of the other candidates if you want. But don't create such a hostile environment for voting.
Owner of the display is Chad Michael Morrisette, official dumbass.
"Morissette does admit that if he had put up a display resembling Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama hanging from a noose, "people would've probably thrown things through our windows."
"The image of a hanged black man is a lot more intense than the image of a hanged white woman -- for our country, in the history of our country," he explained to KCAL.
Morrisette said he wants the display viewed as art that is appropriate for the holiday. "It is Halloween. It's time to be scary. Its time to be spooky," he said."
So it's okay to hang a woman but not a black person? Sure, there are more historical connotations with a lynched black person, but I don't find hanging anyone very funny or "spooky." It's just threatening.
Plus, it gives people voting Democrat a bad name. Nice job, Morrisette.
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